Laura Flanders and Friends: New Economy, Democracy, Diversity, Solutions Journalism

Uncut Interview: We Will Not Cancel Us, adrienne maree brown

Episode Summary

How do we deal with our differences differently? From our polarizing election cycle to cancel culture strategies ousting abusive and destructive institutions, society is moving through a broken capitalist system that is fracturing our relationships. One solution is generative conflict and is the only way to grow authentic relationships, says author and activist adrienne maree brown. So what can we learn from a woman who helps political people mediate their differences and social justice groups keep on track? In her new book, We Will Not Cancel Us, adrienne maree brown describes how “cancel culture” is bad for people, organizations and ultimately for the nation. It’s also one of the easiest tools to grab in the toolbox we’ve inherited - and there’s a reason for that. adrienne maree brown joins us from Detroit to discuss her intimate and meaningful manifesto. Radical responsibilities in movements is to keep opening the door to realize that this is not the only way. The way we’re living right now, someone else imagined it. It’s unjust, and its not sustainable and we have to imagine other ways. Portions of this interview were featured in theLFShow episode "Armed With Art”. A link to watch that episode along with episode notes are posted at

Episode Notes

How do we deal with our differences differently? From our polarizing election cycle to cancel culture strategies ousting abusive and destructive institutions, society is moving through a broken capitalist system that is fracturing our relationships. One solution is generative conflict and is the only way to grow authentic relationships, says author and activist adrienne maree brown. So what can we learn from a woman who helps political people mediate their differences and social justice groups keep on track? In her new book, We Will Not Cancel Us, adrienne maree brown describes how “cancel culture” is bad for people, organizations and ultimately for the nation. It’s also one of the easiest tools to grab in the toolbox we’ve inherited - and there’s a reason for that. adrienne maree brown joins us from Detroit to discuss her intimate and meaningful manifesto.

Radical responsibilities in movements is to keep opening the door to realize that this is not the only way. The way we’re living right now, someone else imagined it. It’s unjust, and its not sustainable and we have to imagine other ways.


Portions of this interview were featured in theLFShow episode "Armed With Art”.  A link to watch that episode along with episode notes are posted at